Parent Partnerships

How We Get You Onboard

A child can only feel comfortable in our care, when their parents are comfortable leaving them in our care. To achieve this, we strive for close collaboration with you as parents. It all starts with a tour and introduction to your child's potential group and then an individual acclimatization time. You will receive a short face to face up date and information exchange with the teachers daily, when you bring your child and collect at the end of the day. You will have regularly scheduled parent-teacher meetings and can attend parent events around special topics. You may receive informative letters from the group and can always take a peek at the information board in the groups entry.

In order to ensure smooth communication with parents in everyday life without losing any important information, we work with the "LiveKid" app. Parents receive up-to-date information on their child's daily routine in real time, have access to a photo album, can view our menu and much more.


